

Information about Promotion of Bike Rental for Local Residents【until December 14, 2021】

★This promotion restarted from October 8th.[Updated on October 8th]

Thank you for your supporting us always.

We have a good information for those who are living in Shiga.
Some of you may remember the same information was announced last summer as well and yes, Shiga local government again budgeted for “Promotion of Bike Rental for Local Residents” and it starts from July 1st.
We will join it so that our guests who are living in Shiga can use it.

Q. Are you living in Shiga? (Please show us your residence card at the reception on that day)
Q. Are you going to use our rental bike by mid-December?

 →If your answer is YES for both the above questions, you can use our bike 50 % OFF the regular rental fee!(*Except for Paid Option).

★Please note that the promotion is valid until December 14th , and there is a maximum limit for discount according to the rental period as follows.

■1 DAY   2,000 yen
■2 DAYS 4,000 yen
■3 DAYS 5,000 yen

The total fee on online reservation would be the regular fee, but 50 % OFF discount will be applied to the total fee which should be paid on that day.
・To use this promotion, the specific application form is needed for each person. Please take your time to fill it out.
・We might take more time to recalculate applying 50 % off discount.
・For a group, please pay together if possible in order to go on the reception smoothly.

Please let us know that you live in Shiga when making a reservation. We will prepare the application sheet for you.

It’s a big chance to try BIWAICHI cycling if you have not experienced it yet.
Of course you can cycle anywhere else than lakeshore or just take 1-day-cycling. There are a lot of places to explore in Shiga.

Have a good cycling!

Please follow us on SNS to get more new info!
Official Facebook @biwaichirental
Official Instagram @biwacycle

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【GW2021 Information】 Rental Fee

Thank you for using us always.

Now we’re open from February 20th as the new season of 2021 and so glad to have customers this time as well, for now.

↓We update how our business is going here. Please follow us! :)
Official facebook びわこ一周レンタサイクル
Official Instagram biwacycle

It’s getting warm, flowers started to bloom, yes spring is here!
Soon you’ll see so many sakura blooming around, along the lakeshore as well, so why don’t you try to cycle there! By cycling, no traffic jam you’ll have, no crowded as long as you keep riding, and you can fully enjoy those beautiful sakura & the lake view during the bike trip.

After sakura season, we will have the very nice days for cycling in early May, in which the day is longer and the weather is really nice. Also we have the long holiday called Golden Week from April 29th to May 5th. This is another chance to have great fun of cycling with the view of lovely fresh-green.

We believe now you want to try to cycle here and can’t wait :)

There’s a notice about the price during GW as follows;

Due to the period of peak demand (Golden Week in 2021; 2021/4/29-2021/5/5), the weekend price is applied to the rental fee on 4/30(Fri), although that day is weekday.

★ April 30(Fri)

We hope you will understand.

Have a nice cycling☆

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WINTER CLOSING【2020/12/16-2021/2/19】

☆Winter Closing☆

Thank you for supporting us always.
Now the season we have snow so our rental bike shop is closed during the winter as above.
Hope people have fun with much snow this winter -just seeing snow from the window is also good, having some hot coffee, chatting with family and friends, in the warm house.

You know, we have to say 2020 is the very difficult year in history for all, but we might be able to say bikes have been more recognized as a usefull gear or activity that gives fun and physical/mental health even in the pandemic.
In a daily life, you can commute by bike avoiding crowded train and stressful traffic jam and it’s more healthy than using some public transportation or driving cars.
When you are off from work and have enough time to go out, and you should keep your safe, biking is really good way to feel like having an exciting travel while keeping a distance to crowd. After cycling, you will realize you are refreshed because the cycling gave you fun time and an opportunity to exercise at the same time.

Are you be aware of the above already? Then you’re lucky to know how to make your life better.
Pedal forward!

Happy christmas and all the best for the new year.
We staffs are looking forward to seeing you the next season!

【Regarding Business Days during Winter Closing】
★Reservations of the new season will be accepted from January 4th in 2021.

★During the winter closing, our business days are on weekdays only.
※We’re off for New Year’s 【2020/12/29~2021/1/3】and every weekend during the winter closing so we will reply you on weekdays if we get email or online reservation while we’re off. Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards, all the staffs of BIWAICHI RENTAL CYCLE

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Promotion for Rental Bicycle Users【From Oct. 24 to Nov. 30 in 2020】

★This promotion is available until November 30th★

Thank you for using us always.

Shiga local government announced another promotion, “Promotion service for Rental Bicycle Users in Shiga” and it starts from October 24.
We decided to join the local promotion so that all our guests can use our service 50 % OFF(※Except for Paid Option).
Please note that the promotion is valid until the end of November , and there is a maximum limit for discount according to the rental period as follows.

■1 DAY 2,000 yen
■2 DAYS 4,000 yen
■3 DAYS 5,000 yen

The total fee on online reservation would be the regular fee, but 50 % OFF discount will be applied to the total fee which should be paid on that day.
・To use this promotion, the specific application form is needed for each person. Please take your time to fill it out.
・We might take more time to recalculate applying 50 % off discount.
・For a group, please pay together if possible in order to go on the reception smoothly.

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Event Information -“MAIBARA Autumn Fes Ticket”-

★This coupon expires on December 13th. Please use it by that day if you have one★

Explore local Japan life in Maibara by personal fun ride!

We have a new event this autumn, “MAIBARA Autumn Fes Ticket”

-What’s the concept?

We would like many people to know how wonderful Maibara is, to cycle, to stay, to live.
Usually we plan a cycling event in autumn, in which participants can enjoy local food, beautiful nature, wonderful view, and communication with local people, while cycling around. However, it’s difficult for us to do the same thing this year, so we planned an alternative event and this is it.

We prepared a special coupon which can be bought for 1000 yen and can be used as 2000 yen coupon [a book of 4 tickets].
【NOTE】The coupon was sold out on September 16th, thanks.

You can use the coupon at only 20 shops, restaurants, and temples in Maibara, where you can enjoy local good food, activities, seeing temples and the garden, seeing autumn color leaves, learning local life history & cuture, and buying some unique goods. Cycling with the coupon should be visiting a lot of local places and that will make your cycling more joyful. Our wish is you would find your favorite place in Maibara and come back there again. This coupon is just a opportunity we can give you.

Have a wonderful time in Maibara.

-How to use

1. Get the coupon on either below;➡SOLD OUT(Sep, 16)
A) Get it online ➡ Sports Entry
B) Get it at our shop ➡ Maibara Cycle Staion
It comes with a brochure of map & shop list(Japanese only)

2. Go to Maibara and use your coupon while cycling!

・Change will not be provided.
・This coupon can be used only at the specific 20 places on the shop list.
・This coupon can be used only during the period of “MAIBARA Autumn Fes Ticket”, from September 12th to December 13th, 2020.
・This coupon can’t be exchanged for cash.
・Resell is prohibited.
・One person can only purchase up to 2 books of this coupon.

-Shop List

1. 麻心(Magokoro)-Local food restaurant(Soba noodle, Keema Curry,etc.)
2. 久次郎(Kyujiro)-Soba restaurant
3. 佐々木文具店(Sasaki Bungu ten)-Stationary Shop(Stationary goods, and sometimes cafe)
4. 伊吹薬草の里文化センター(Ibuki Yakuso no sato Bunka Center)-Ibuki Cuture Center(Local herb goods shop, Herb Garden, and Herb Onsen)
5. 的場たたみ店(Matoba Tatami ten)-Tatami/Japanese straw mat Maker(Making Mini-Tatami Workshop)
6. はれと休日(Hare to Kyujitsu)-Workshop Cafe(Handicraft workshop, Space for taking a break)
7. グリーンパーク山東(Green Park Santo)-Camping site & Outdoor activity Park(Galmping, Camping, Accommodation, Onsen, Sports & Play Park, etc.)
8. 徳源院(Tokugenin)-Tokugenin Temple(Japanese garden, beautiful autumn leaves)
9. 柏原歴史館(Kashiwabara Rekishi kan)-Kashiwabara History Museum(Historical building, Historical exhibits, etc.)
10. 喫茶柏(Kashiwa)-Local food restaurant(Soba boodle, Udon, Japanese sweets,etc.)
11. ローザンベリー多和田(Rosa & Berry Tawada)-English Garden & Park(English Garden, Shaun the Sheep Garden, restaurant, goods shop, etc.)
12. 近江母の郷(Omi Haha no sato)-Road station(Restaurant, Parking lot, goods shop, etc.)
13. 醒井水の宿駅(Samegai Mizu no yado eki)-Road station(Restaurant, Cafe, goods shop, etc.)
14. 醤油屋喜代治商店(Shoyuya Kiyoji shoten)-Soy sauce Maker & Shop(Soy sauce made by traditional method, Soy sauce flavor ice cream, etc.)
15. 醒ヶ井養鱒場(Samegai Yoson jo)-Samegai Traut Farm(Fishing Park)
16. AJITO(Ajito)-Soup Curry restaurant(Soup Curry)
17. 青岸寺(Seiganji)-Seiganji Temple(Japanese garden, cafe, and beautiful autumn leaves)
18. Cafe du MBF(Cafe du MBF)-Bakery & Cafe(bread, sweets, coffee,etc.)
19. 北新豆腐店(Kitashin Tofu ten)-Kitashin Tofu Maker & Shop(Tofu, Soy Milk Pudding, Soy Milk Cannele, other Tofu food)
20. BIWAICHI RENTAL CYCLE -Rental Bicycle Shop(Road bike, Cross bike, Kids bike, and other optional itmes)

MAIBARA Autumn Fes Ticket Official website(Japanese only)

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Information about Promotion for People in Shiga【until September 30】

Thank you for your supporting always.

If you live in Shiga, we have a good information.
Shiga local government announced “Promotion service for people living in Shiga” and it started from June 1st.
We decided to join the local promotion so that our guests who are living in Shiga can use it.
Please note that the promotion is valid until the end of July September(※).

Q. Are you living in Shiga? (Please show us your residence card.)
Q. Are you going to use our rental bike by the end of July September(※)?

 →If your answer YES! for both Q., you can use our bike 50 % OFF the regular rental fee!

※Updated on August 30th, 2020.

Please let us know that you live in Shiga when making a reservation. We will prepare the application sheet for you.

It’s a big chance to try BIWAICHI if you have not done it ever.
Of course you can cycle anywhere else than lakeshore or just cycle around in a day. There’re a lot of places to explore!

During that “Stay Home” period, any activities had been limited so that many people couldn’t do enough exercise then been feeling stressed out. Now the restrictions are relieved and it’s the time to enjoy outdoors. So this promotion has been set to help those people.

Have a good cycling!

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About rental fee during Obon holiday

Thank you for using us always.

We will inform you of rental fee during Obon holiday.
We will apply the weekend price to the reservation during the following days because of high season, although these days are weekday.


★ August 11(Tue),12(Wed),13(Thu),14(Fri) ➡Weekend Price ★

Thank you for your understanding.
Take care & have a great summer vacation!

↓Japanese shaved ice! You can have it in front of Kawachi Wind Cave in Taga, where is about 15km far from Maibara staion here. Do you want to enjoy one? We can tell you!

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June-July Special Promotion about Return Option Plan!

Thank you for supporting us always.

Although it’s already the middle of June, we will carry out a new promotion available only in June until July 15(updated on June 27) as follows.

➡The Return Option Fee becomes FREE only in the case the return date is set on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, and the return spot is set at Hikone Rental Cycle Megruinko.

For example/When making a reservation online;

Pick Up Date: Monday / Pick Up Spot: Maibara Cycle Station
Return Date: Tuesday / Return Spot: Hikone Rental Cycle Magurinko*

*Normally, it costs 3300 yen as the return option fee, but it’ll be free only in June until July 15!
★If the return date is set on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, and the return spot is set at Hikone Rental Cycle Megurinko, the return option fee is charged.
★If the return spot is set at somewhere else except for Hikone Rental Cycle Megurinko, this promotion is not applied.

We know you would like to plan a cycling depending on the weather.
We’re sorry if you would give up your two or more days cycling from Monday due to our closure(you can’t return bikes if we’re closed), although it’s predicted the weather of the first half of the week is good.
So we suggest you will use this promotion to make your plan easy.
We’re waiting for your reservation!

If you have any question, please feel free to ask us below.


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We’re OFF on Tue, Wed, and Thu in June,2020

Thank you for always using us.

We will inform you our closed days in June.

In June, basically we’re OFF not only every Wednesday but also every Tuesday and every Thursday.
According to reservation status, we may close the shop also on Monday, Friday.
You can check those days on the business calendar on the top page.

We would like to open as much as possible, but couldn’t do that now for some reason. Wish the condition would be better to open the shop normally. Meanwhile, we will keep up the good work.

Please make a reservation checking our business schedule.

Thank you for your kindly understanding.

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WE’RE REOPENING! ~ From May 30th(Sat) ~

Thank you for supporting us always!

We’re glad to let you know that we’re able to reopen our rental bike shop at Maibara station finally from May 30th(Sat).
Although we should still be careful about the infectious disease of COVID-19, we have been informed about how to deal with it so that we think we and guests can do it in a good way while we’re communicating with each other.

Regarding our business schedule in June, we will open the shop irregularly. We’re going to set extra closed days in addition to regular closed day of every Wednesday. We will inform you those extra closed days on May 27th(Wed).

We will do our best to protect you guests and our staffs from risks of that disease in order to continue to give more people an opportunity of having a nice cycling. So, please allow us wear masks during the reception and we would like you to do so when coming our shop.

We appreciate your kindly understanding. See you SOON!

Best regards,

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