
Shop Calendar is set up!

Thank you for using us always.

We set up a new shop calendar on the top of our website!

You can check our closed days and availability of bikes obviously.

About the blank space, all of our bikes are available. But, about the reception time, we might not meet your request. It depends. Thank you for your understanding.

It would help you make a plan for cycling. Please check it out.

Have a good ride plan!

カテゴリー: news


Information of the days our shop is closed(From February to July)

Thank you very much for using BIWAICHI RENTAL CYCLE.

We have an information of the days that our rental bike shop is closed.

So please check the days as follows and make a reservation.
You can make a reservation of the rental period that is more than 3 days including the holiday, that is you will pick up a bike the day before the holiday and return it the day after the holiday.(ex.It’s OK that the rental period is from May 21 to May 23.)
We are afraid that the schedule might be changed. Then we will inform about it you here as soon as we decide.

Yours very sincerely

(From February to July)
○February 27(Wed)
○March 6(Wed)
○April 10(Wed),17(Wed),24(Wed)
○May 7(Tue),8(Wed),22(Wed),29(Wed)
○June 5(Wed),12(Wed),19(Wed),26(Wed)
○July 3(Wed),10(Wed)

カテゴリー: news


【NOTE】Information of the partial changes in fees

Thank you for using our service always.

We would like to inform you of the partial changes in fees for rental bicycle service for the coming season.

➡ BASIC FEE + 500 YEN ★

If you try to use without reservation or make a reservation on the same day,
you need to pay extra 500 yen addition to the basic rental fee.

Even if you want, depending on the loan situation, it may be impossible to rent a bicycle.

Our rental bicycle service is on a reserved basis.
Thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards. February 22, 2019

カテゴリー: news


Bike Availability during Golden Week【April 27-May 3/FULL】

Thank you for using our shop always.

This is an announcement of rental bicycles availability during this Golden Week.

The following days are already full as of today.

★ April 27(Sat),28(Sun),29(Mon),30(Tue)& May 1(Wed),2(Thu),3(Fri)➡ NOT AVAILABLE ★

Except of these above days, you could make a reservation, but the available bikes are a few now, and the reception in the morning on May 4 and 5 are already full.

Please check the calendar about availability information on TOP page.

The availability may be changed due to the weather and some cancellation.
So please call us or ask us via email for more information.

During the golden week, it will be hard for us to get in touch with customers via phone and email, because we’re busy then to take care of customers who would rent our bikes and start to cycle.

Thank you for your understanding.

We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!

カテゴリー: news