カテゴリー:イベント, お知らせ, ニュース, ピックアップ, ビワイチ, びわこ一周レンタサイクルについて, レンタサイクル, レンタルストア, レンタル方法, 定休日, 臨時休業
レンタルストアタグ: bike trip, BIWAICHI, cycling, information, June, Maibara cycle station, rainy season, regularly closed, rental bicycle, Temporarily closed, サイクリング, ビワイチ, ビワイチ 梅雨 レンタサイクル, びわ湖一周, レンタサイクル, 予約, 休業日, 米原駅サイクルステーション, 臨時休業, 自転車, 観光
The Rainy Season Promotion 2018 Now !
The rainy season promotion will come again this year! We have provided this unique promotion in the last rainy season and users had fun and got excited with rolling a dice.
Because of the rainy season,we would like you to have fun,even just a little bit,before starting to ride in rainy or cloudy weather.
Let’s enjoy!★ This promotion period is only from June 4 to July 6 ★
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Special 1: Gift present or free option service !
●Let’s roll the dice !
➡You will get one of six services or gifts ! We prepare one service or gift per one number of the dice.
Special 2: Fender for free !
●Usually our rental bikes don’t have fender.
➡When you use our rental bike and it’s rainy,we attach a fender to your bike for free.
Special 3: Cancellation fee becomes free when it rains.
➡Only during this promotion,the cancellation becomes free only when the reason is the rainy weather.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ⇩The view of plum blossoms algae blooming in Jizogawa river,that is flowing in Samegai Town,where is 5 kilometers to the east of Maibara station.
カテゴリー:イベント, お知らせ, ニュース, レンタサイクル, レンタル料金
レンタルストアタグ: Baikamo, Maibara cycle station, plum blossoms algae, promotion, rainy season, rental bicycle, river side, Samegai