Information about a road closed in the winter
Thank you for using as always. This is an information about some roads closed in the winter, where are a part of BIWAICHI route. All of the following roads are in the northern area of Lake Biwa. ●Old Shizugadake Tunnel (the route from Hannoura”飯浦” to Oto”大音”) ★CLOSED★ Period【December 1st(Sat)in 2018 ~ March 22(Fri) in 2019(※the end date might be changed up to the condition)】
⇒During this period, you should go through the Shizugadake Tunnel on the national route 8, instead of the Old Shizugadake Tunnel.
⇩There are two signboards at the Oto traffic lights and the route during the winter is the right one. Go left along the route 8.⇒During this period, you should go through the Oku-Biwa Tunnel on the national route 303, instead of Kaizu-Osaki.
⇩Check the route at the Ouraguchi traffic lights. Go straight along the route 303 till the Oku-Biwa Tunnel on weekdays. Turn left to Kaizuosaki following the blue arrows on weekends.
カテゴリー:イベント, お知らせ, ニュース, ビワイチ, びわこ一周(ビワイチ)について
レンタルストアタグ: BIWAICHI, closed in the winter, north area, road closed, traffic control
Please pay attention to the traffic control on October 14
Thank you for using always. This is an attention of traffic control on October 14(Sun). 【General information of traffic control (working date October 14, 2018 Sunday)】(Maibara City Official Website) http://www.city.maibara.lg.jp/material/files/group/36/koutuukisei20181014.pdf (link to PDF) If you are going to come to our shop by car, please pay attention to the traffic control. Furthermore, we have the entrance regulation inside Maibara station from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm on that day, and no entry past here. Then, we will work on our customer’s bicycles return outside the station. We will let them know the details individually. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
カテゴリー:お知らせ, ニュース, レンタサイクルについて
レンタルストアタグ: Maibara cycle station, Maibara station, off limits, rental bicycle, traffic control
Please pay attention to the traffic control on May 25 and 26
Thank you for using always. This is an attention of traffic control on May 25(Fri) and 26(Sat). 『第9回全国「みどりの愛護」のつどい 交通規制のお知らせ(滋賀県警察本部)』(link to PDF) http://www.city.nagahama.lg.jp/0000004377.html http://www.city.maibara.lg.jp/topics/10620.html http://www.city.hikone.shiga.jp/0000011903.html If you are going to come to our shop by car,please pay attention to the traffic control. On that day,you should take a train to come here,as traffic congestion is expected. And we have the entrance regulation at the east exit of Maibara station on both days, so we change the open hours as follows. May 25(Fri) 13:00~18:00 May 26(Sat) 9:00~13:00 We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
カテゴリー:お知らせ, ニュース, レンタルストア
レンタルストアタグ: Maibara cycle station, traffic congestion, traffic control